Getting sales meetings doesn’t have to be hard
The Meeting Magnet is an online course where I’ll show you our proven formula for sending sales emails that get 80-85% response rates from senior decision makers - emails that make buyers actually want to meet with you, because it won’t feel like you’re selling them anything.

Many people who work in roles that require them to sell have never been shown how to do it easily and effectively…. and very few get any enjoyment out of that part of their job. In The Meeting Magnet I will share with you exactly what it is that those people who are really successful at getting sales meetings with senior decision makers actually do, and why they make it look so easy – no matter what their role title is.

Join The Meeting Magnet today and complete it at your own pace, right when you need it.
Who should join The Meeting Magnet?

Who should join The Meeting Magnet?
- You’re finding it harder and harder to get in the door of senior decision makers, or maybe you don’t even know why a senior decision maker would want to meet with you.
- You find yourself putting off writing sales emails or making sales calls because you simply hate doing it, and you rarely get a positive response...if you get a response at all.
- You feel like writing sales emails is like taking a shot in the dark.
- You find yourself meeting with ‘peers’ rather than the true decision makers, because it is less out of your comfort zone.
The Meeting Magnet will benefit anyone who:
- Owns or runs a small/medium business.
- Has their own consulting business.
- Works in a B2B environment and needs to build client relationships and sell.
- Runs a B2B sales team.

In the past my work has helped accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects, locksmiths, town planners, economists, sports sales reps, IT sales reps, marketers, HR consultants, and many others who work in B2B sales roles become more confident and effective at sales.
Hi, I’m Keith Dugdale
I help people learn how to sell by building trusted relationships – from senior executives in Fortune 500 companies to small business owners, from lawyers and engineers to IT sales teams and locksmiths. I do this using the tools and techniques my co-author David Lambert and I developed after watching the best of the best in sales and client relationships and decoding exactly what it is that they do that makes them so successful.
We first shared our techniques in our book Smarter Selling: How to grow sales by building trusted relationships, which is now in its second edition, and then in our ENGAGE training program which has been delivered to more than 10,000 people worldwide.
After working in-house with clients for many years, our team at The Business of Trust decided it was time to open up more access to our tools and techniques, and so The Academy of Trust was born. It’s an online learning platform that allows us to help even more people learn the techniques that will totally transform their approach to sales, and their sales results – techniques that have directly resulted in tens of millions of dollars in sales worldwide.

What are people saying about The Meeting Magnet and working with Keith Dugdale?
Keith has a unique ability to take what you previously considered as conventional wisdom, flip it around and show you a completely new way of approaching the Sales profession. Keith teaches you how to target the highest possible levels in every organisation, how to correctly plan and execute sales meetings and what works in the real world.
Robert Coorey, Marketer, Author and TV Pilot Presenter
I have attended dozens of sales training courses and read almost every business book about sales and building relationships over my 20 year sales career. Out of all of them, I am only willing to recommend one. Keith Dugdale has literally written the book on building relationships as a deliberate sales strategy. He walks the talk and is a genuine expert in the field second to none. The great thing about Keith’s philosophy is that it stands the tests of time and application in the real world. There is no hint of ‘slick tricks’ with Keith, just proven methodology and right mindsets that get results.
Alan Blair, Business Consultant, ArcTree Consulting
I use the example of my experience as an outsider coming into Australia and in less than 6 months developing strong client relations and eventually growing our work in the areas of the business where I was focused. The use of the (Meeting Magnet) approach really helped improve my chances of getting in the door. The combination of a more focused approach from your training, and something of value to offer our clients, made a very powerful combination.
Joe Chapman, Vice President Water (USA), AECOM

Working with Keith has given me a new outlook on building relationships with prospective clients that are ‘real’, and by that I mean relationships focused on understanding and delivering what clients actually want, while working from a position of mutual respect and trust.
John Guida, Partner, GMB Architects
The (Meeting Magnet) approach has been very beneficial to our team when engaging with both clients and prospective clients. It is a terrific tool that drives the client focus we seek at all times. This has been important in building our lawyers’ skills to become our clients’ best partner, which is fundamental to our overall strategy. We have found it resonates with lawyers at all stages of development. There are many examples where the approach has led to excellent outcomes for our team.
John Steven, Partner + Head of M&A Division, Minter Ellison

What will I learn during The Meeting Magnet?

The Meeting Magnet consists of three course modules that can be completed at your own pace. Each module is filled with training videos, templates and resources to help you put everything you’re learning into practice. You can also get access to optional email, 1:1 and group coaching sessions to support your learning.
Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll be learning each week.

Module One
You will learn:
- What mindset is required if you want to quickly build trusted relationships with prospective clients right from the first time you contact them.
- Why most sales emails don’t work. I’ll review and give feedback on a range of real life sales emails and share what you might have been doing wrong in the past that has meant you haven’t had the success rates you wanted.
- A proven formula we use to get meetings that builds immediate trust with the other person, making them want to meet with you.
- Getting you started writing your first sales emails using this new approach.
Module Two
You will learn:
- The different types of buyers so we can make sure you’re trying to get a meeting with the right person, and not just the person you are most comfortable with.
- About different behavioural preferences and why it is so critical to understand your own preferences, and the preferences of the other person, before you write a single sales email or make a sales call.
- How to craft your emails to ensure you are truly offering to add value to the other person. This will involve a real deep dive into our formula.
- By example, with a a range of sample sales emails using the formula.
And finally, you will write and send your own real life sales email!
Module Three
You will learn:
- What to do next based on the response you get – if you get an acceptance, a rejection, or simply no response.
- How to deal with any objections you might face when making a sales call, such as ‘Sorry, I already have a provider.’
- How to get a second meeting with the prospect if it didn’t naturally flow on from the first.
How does The Meeting Magnet work?

Join at any time
Unlike other courses, we don't make you wait to join - The Meeting Magnet is available for you as and when you need it. As soon as you sign up, all three mdoules will be available for you straight away.

Optional coaching
Want some extra help and support to put the new skills you are learning into practice? We offer optional coaching which members can purchase at any time during the program. This includes feedback on your sales emails, and 1:1 or small group video coaching. Coaching packages start from AUD$120 and can be purchased from the 'Coaching' tab in the program.
Flexible Time Commitment
It’s up to you to choose when you will watch the module and complete the activities, so you can move at your own pace. However, you should expect to spend (roughly):
- 2-2.5 hours per module watching the videos, absorbing the materials and completing your workbook activities.
Sign up as a team
Want to do it with your team? No problem. Contact us for a special team rate if there are 5 or more of you. We can also customise the course to create a private dedicated, private training portal for your team.
When you join The Meeting Magnet, you’ll get access to the following bonuses:

Digital Marketing to grow your Market Presence
Make your prospecting even more powerful by ‘warming up’ your contents first through social selling. We’ve got some valuable content from the team at One Rabbit on using digital marketing to grow your market presence. We’ve also got some amazing content on how to warm up your prospects using LinkedIn.
Case Studies
Three in-depth video case studies from Julien Lepetit, Katrina O’Mara and Luc Kox. They’ll share with you some specific examples of how they’ve used the tools covered in The Meeting Magnet to get meetings with clients they never expected to, and win work.
Our no risk guarantee

Signing up to The Meeting Magnet comes with no risk – either you get loads of value that helps you to get the meetings with the clients you want and win work more quickly, or we will give you your money back for up to 30 days after your purchase.
Here are just a few of the companies we’ve worked with over the years to help them transform the way they sell and build client relationships:

A few case studies on working with Keith
Katrina O'Mara, Environment & Sustainability Team Lead
Joe Feredoes, Senior Account Manager, IT Industry
Julien Lepetit, Engineer & Business Development Coach
Neil Barr, Regional Director SE Queensland, Aurecon
Warwick Absolon, Manager Enterprise, VideoPro Group
Fabian Schwery, Head of Sales Coaching
Closing the sale
Background: After experiencing some success with I We U’s, SHAPE questions and CC Notes with other clients (all tools that are taught in the Client Magnet course), Joel B was pretty keen to see how they could help him build his relationship with the new CEO at a Government client. A few months’ prior, Joel had won a business case project for a major redevelopment. But just as the business case was ready to be delivered and Joel’s relationship was gaining momentum, the CEO was replaced by a new CEO who Joel had no existing relationship with. Starting from scratch again, Joel decided to put all of his Client Magnet skills to the test.
What Joel did differently: Despite all the work he had done on the business case with the previous CEO, he didn’t enter his first meeting with the new CEO in the mindset of defending it. He focused only on discovering her vision and her needs – a critical first step in building trust. Following each meeting, Joel sent detailed CC notes to the client which were very well received and demonstrated his understanding of her key issues and how he could help her achieve her vision. The CEO’s return comments included: ‘Many thanks for a great summary. It was cathartic both talking with you and reading your summary!’ and ‘Many thanks for your summary which, as before, is amazingly accurate (especially considering you don’t take notes!).’ Joel also focused on sending the CEO ideas and insights that were not his or the companies own IP, demonstrating low self-orientation, another great trust builder. In closing the sale, Joel showed extreme patience not to push the sale but to wait for the CEO to buy.
The outcome: This relationship then secured an important commission, sole-sourced, with all the financial issues already dealt with by the economic buyer – ‘I had the Economic Buyer taking care of a whole heap of stuff we usually have to work really hard for.’
What Joel had to say: ‘This stuff actually works.’
Going outside your comfort zone in a client presentation
Background: For the past couple of years, John B and his team have held an annual ‘show and tell’ session with a contractor firm to talk through respective business capabilities using powerpoint slides of current projects. Despite best efforts, their relationship hadn’t really developed nor resulted in any work. So when the contractor contacted him with a similar request again, he decided to develop a game plan for trying something different.
What John did differently: With coaching from Kathryn, John developed a ‘discussion planner’ for the meeting. After the initial introductions were made, he stood up and pinned it to the meeting room wall. Using the results of a recent company construction sentiment survey, the discussion planner enabled John and the team to start a conversation with the contractor team around specific challenges and opportunities that they’re facing in the construction market.
The outcome: What was supposed to be a one-hour late afternoon session went for 2.5-hours, with John’s Managing Director eventually calling it a night so the participants could get home to their families. Based on the feedback from John and the MD, the contractor team saw real value in the session and it helped to build a stronger foundation in the relationship by opening up more intimate dialogue. Immediately following the session, John was invited to meet with the contractor team to further progress the conversation.
What John had to say: John said the biggest thing he took away from the experience is to change his ‘thinking about client conversations – to focus on the clients’ business and their business issues rather than focusing on our own response.’ And his biggest tip? ‘Back yourself. Have the confidence to try something different.’
Turning a losing bid into $5M in fees
Background: Steve R was invited by a new client to submit a proposal to undertake the due diligence on a proposed gas-turbine power station, which he narrowly lost due to lack of resources.
What Steve did differently: “Instead of calling the client for my usual debrief, Keith reminded me that in every conversation I have with a client, I need to offer them something of value. So when I rang the client, I told him that even though we had lost the bid, I was still keen to help him with his challenges. This approach genuinely took him by surprise.’
The outcome: ‘Proposing to help after we lost, together with the value I’d provided in my earlier meetings, opened the door for further conversations with him about his projects. Six weeks later, the client contracted us directly to undertake the due diligence for a second power station site. Through outstanding delivery of the project by project leader and the team, the client then sole-sourced us to provide engineering services for the next development stages of both power stations.
What Steve had to say: “Our fees were more than
Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have access to The Meeting Magnet forever?
Yes, when you join The Meeting Magnet, you will have access to the course content indefinitely so you can revisit it in the future as and when you need.
Are my payment details secure?
Yes, your credit card is processed through our secure payment gateway system and this site also protects your details via SSL.
Will I actually get personal attention from Keith?
Keith will personally respond to your questions in the course comments. You can also choose to get feedback from Keith or one of the Academy of Trust team on sales emails you write as part of the course, or have 1:1 or group video coaching sessions, if you elect to add on one of our coaching packages. These are available after you register.
Can I run The Meeting Magnet for my team?
Yes, we can run the course privately for your team. Please contact us on [email protected] for our group rates, and discuss the best ways to support your team to complete the course and get the maximum benefits from it.
Can’t I just read Smarter Selling?
Reading Smarter Selling will definitely give you great insight into some of the tools and techniques that we teach in The Meeting Magnet, and could be a great starting point if you’re not in a position to do The Meeting Magnet right now. In The Meeting Magnet course we go into much greater detail to pull everything together, and you have the additional option of personal coaching and feedback that you won’t get from reading the book.
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
Got some more questions? Please contact [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.